Thursday, January 3, 2008


A flask when burned ignites a large flame and dies as quickly as it was lit...
Is it just one high after another?
Without love, without reciprocating love, it's an illusion
chasing a shadow
perhaps it's crumbs that fall on the Master's table
food for the desperate soul
believing its not worthy of the feast
or perhaps, in poverty
it is blessed
if it is a blessing, its a hidden one
a hidden presence, an absent presence
yet a presence nonetheless
Lazarus, stay strong
you are not yet in the bosom of Abraham

"Just as a lover is wearied and depressed when on a longed-for day his opportunity is frustrated, so is a man wearied and tired by all his appetites and their fulfillment, because fulfillment only causes more hunger and emptiness. An appetite, as they say, is like a fire that blazes up when a wood is thrown on it, but necessarily dies out when the wood is consumed."

St. John of the Cross, Ascent on Mount Carmel, Book I, 6:6

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